Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221




The presented textbook was created for the purpose of supporting studies in the field of eductaional sciences and primary in the programs of supplementary pedagogical studies, but of course its application is much wider. The book can serve as a study resource in teacher study programs, but also for everyone who is interested in the knowledge in the field of pedagogy.

Thematically, the content of the textbook is divided into six main chapters. The processing of each chapter is based on an identical methodological approach, which facilitates orientation in the text. The processing of the text of particular chapters includes didactic functions in the following order: motivation of the reader to the discussed issue – initial familiarization of the reader with the theoretical basis of the discussed issue – fixation and consolidation of knowledge. Key words are placed at the beginning of each chapter and they are explained in more detail in the processed text of the respective chapter. During active work with the text, these key terms are intended to serve as a motivational overview of the key points of the discussed topic, and after a more detailed study of the chapter, they can serve as the diagnostic tool for the acquired knowledge. After the initial reading of the chapter, the reader should try to describe the specific terms without using the text, and then compare them with the relevant formulations contained in the text. At the end of each chapter, there are formulated tasks and questions that serve for self-assessment of understanding the text. The list of references at the end of the textbook constitutes the basic sources of the processed text, but it can also serve as an inspiration for further in-depth study of various areas of pedagogical sciences.

Fundamentals of pedagogy is a publication that contains primary knowledge from the field of pedagogical sciences, a brief introduction to their structure and the foundations of the methodology of pedagogical sciences, describes selected components of education and clarifies selected factors of education and its´ basic terminology. Other pedagogical disciplines contained in various subjects of higher education are based on this knowledge and follow on from it. The content of the textbook is designed in such a way that it can be used in the higher education course of the same name „fundamentals of pedagogy“, but across higher education institutions we can also encounter other synonyms as: „general pedagogy“, “basics of education”, „introduction to pedagogical sciences“, „pedagogical propaedeutics“ etc. This textbook can also be a suitable tool for self-education and other courses in the field of educational sciences.

Education and training are complex and demanding processes, and this fact also result in high demands on the teaching profession. Continuous self-improvement, self-education and self-development are required in the university training of future teachers and in their lifelong education. I would be desirable, that this textbook will not stay only the required literature for the study, but will become a source of self-improvement and motivation for further education.