Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221




The presented university textbook deals with the basic topics of educational management. The aim of the topics is to educate students of teaching and pedagogy (extending studies, supplementary pedagogical studies) on the basic topics related to the management of education, ranging from those on the macro-level of the state to those on the micro-level of schools.

The university textbook consists of ten chapters devoted to the following topics: basic terminology of educational management, general theory of management, history of educational management in Slovakia after 1989, macro-management of education, state administration bodies, local governments and other subjects important in the process of establishing schools, the current school system in Slovakia, school micro-management, the position of the school principal and their competences, the status and powers of school self-administration bodies and school advisory bodies, pedagogical and other school documentation, personnel management in education, professional development of school employees, the system of financing regional education from the state budget and other sources, marketing tools necessary for improving image of the school.

Information contained in this educational management textbook is a suitable starting point for further study and practice.