Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221


Segmental Aspects


The Slovak PI comprises 11 vowels (6 short and 5 long vowels), 4 diphthongs and 27 consonants. In the written form (spelling), they are represented by 46 graphemes of the Slovak alphabet – a ä e i o u y á é í ó ú ý b c č d f g h j k l ĺ m n p q r ŕ s š t v w x z ž ď ľ ň ť ô dz dž ch – 33 consonants including 3 digraphs (dz is pronounced /dz/, dž /ʤ/, ch /x/, while, on the other hand, the grapheme q is pronounced as /kv/, the letter x as /ks/). Besides these consonant phonemes, specific transcription symbols are also used for č /ʧ/, š /ʃ/ and ž /ʒ/.  Some of the vowels a e i o u y á é í ó ú ý ä are combined to form four diphthongs – ia /ĭa/, ie /ĭe/, iu /ĭu/, ô /ŭo/. The exact number of the speech sounds included in the Slovak phonemic inventory is 42, it means that there are fewer phonemes than graphemes because both the letters short i and long y are pronounced as /i/, and both long í and ý also have identical pronunciation /i:/. No difference in pronunciation is made between graphemes the v and w, as both are pronounced /v/.

Classification of Speech Sounds

Otestujte si vaše vedomosti.

1 / 10

1. PI is an abbreviation for:

2 / 10

2. Slovak /n/ and /η/ are:

3 / 10

3. Two segments of a vowel-cluster NOT pronounced within one syllable form:

4 / 10

4. A diphthong is pronounced as falling if its first component is:

5 / 10

5. Name all British English centring diphthongs:

6 / 10

6. Choose the symbols used for the vowels functioning as the second segment in closing diphthongs:

7 / 10

7. Which group of consonants is (also) called “stops”?

8 / 10

8. Name the English consonants that could be pronounced with aspiration:

9 / 10

9. In the post-release phase (when producing plosives) the air escaping through the vocal folds makes an additional puff of air called:

10 / 10

10. Name all English sibilants: