Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221


Segmental Aspects


Crystal presents statistics of consonant occurrences “in a sample of conversational RP”, it means frequency of consonant-phonemes as they were used in the spoken performances even in 1947 (Crystal, 2011, p. 242). The same statistics, which was originally prepared by Fry, is presented in Gimson´s publication (1970, p. 219). The statistics data for Slovak were published by Mistrík:


/n/ 7.58%, /t/ 6.42%, /d/ 5.14%, /s/ 4.81%, /l/ 3.66%, /δ/ 3.56%, /r/ 3.51%, /m/ 3.22%, /k/ 3.09%, /w/ 2.81%, /z/ 2.46%, /v/ 2.00%, /b/ 1.97%, /f/ 1.79%, /p/ 1.78%, /h/ 1.46%, /η/ 1.15%, /g/ 1.05%, /ʃ/ 0.96%, /j/ 0.88%, /ʤ/ 0.60%, /ʧ/ 0.41%, /θ/ 0.37%, /ʒ/ 0.10%


Mistrík´s publication (1983):

n 6.34%, v 5.14%, r 5.05%, s 4.74%, t 4.54%, k 3.76%, l 3.73%, p 3.27%, d 3.22%, m 3.20%, z 1.99%, j 1.90%, b 1.69%, c 1.33%, h 1.23%, ch 1.13%, č 1.10%, š 0.89%, ž 0.85%, ť 0.54%, ľ 0.42%, f 0.31%, g 0.29%, ň 0.16%, dz 0.13%, ď 0.11%, x 0.06%, ĺ 0.01%, ŕ 0.01%, dž 0.004%, the total ratio of vowel versus consonant occurrences is 45.33% : 54.67%

The presented statistics are relevant only partially, because while for English the numbers concerning occurrences are available for phonemes, the Slovak statistics data represent grapheme occurrences.