Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221




The Introduction to the Interpretation of Narrative Texts is a university textbook designed for students of pedagogy and literature. Its goal is to provide future teachers with guidelines on how to analyse and interpret narrative texts in terms of their semantic and formal construction. In the individual chapters, we deal with the issue of reading competences, which are the basic prerequisite for model reading (to get closer to the model reader, whom the text presupposes); narrative procedures and reader cooperation with the text, which takes place at several levels of the text (language, discursive structures, narrative structures, actant structures, ideological structures). Analyses of the style, literary character and axiology of literature constitute separate chapters. In the individual chapters, we also present literary examples and questions for interpretation, which teachers can view as model questions for class discussion. Each illustration is followed by our own interpretation, in which we attempt to answer the questions presented. The textbook has the potential be a suitable manual for everyone who wants to get a better understanding of the functioning of narrative texts and use them in the educational process.