Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Námestie J. Herdu 577/2

917 01 Trnava

+421 33 5565 221




The essence and the importance of pedagogical training in pre-gradual preparation of teachers have been described in a number of research studies as well as in several publications that look at this issue from various points of view. Th e personality of the trainee and the teachertrainer as well as the methodological instructions for the realization of this training in the realm of training schools are all common denominators of the above mentioned works. Each publication points out the problem of non-existing legislative regulation of the pedagogical training process. Legislative background of pedagogical trainin´g process would positively contribute to the balanced preparation of future teachers and stabilize the development of professional competencies of the trainees. Setting up the minimal conditions of the pedagogical training process would also create a platform for creation of training schools, for adequate fi nancial reward of the trainer-teachers work as well as secure their further necessary education. In the end it would improve the quality of pre-gradual preparation of teachers for their future profession. Th e quality of pregradual preparation directly infl uences the quality of educational work itself as well as the quality of the whole society.

Pedagogical training is an important and inherent part of pre-gradual preparation of teachers and therefore it is necessary to address it now and in the future by preparing textbooks, methodological manuals and by performing research projects dealing with the issues of the realization of pedagogical training and the development of professional competencies of university students – future teachers.